How do I browse for resources on my One Degree homepage?

With the new homepage you can switch between your homepage and Browse Resources. 

Browse Resources tab

There are two easy ways to browse for resources - using the Browse Resource tab on your homepage or the Browse Resources button on the top menu bar.  Next to your "Home" tab you will find the "Browse Resources" tab. In Browse Resources you can explore resources by category. 

When you find a category of resources you’d like to browse, you will be directed to an Opportunity search page. 

Browse Resources button on Menu bar 

You can also search for resources by clicking on the " Browse Resources" button on the top of the Dashboard page. You will then see a drop down menu of resource categories that can be explored. 

When you find a category of resources you’d like to browse, you will be directed to an Opportunity search page. 

P.S. Check out the Learning Hub to see how to get the most out of using One Degree and the tools that we offer. You can find training videos, FAQs and other great resources!

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