How do I search on One Degree?

1. Go to and click search for resources at the top of the page. Follow the prompts to narrow down your search. 

2. You should now see a search results page. You can change the location by entering your address, city, zip code or state into the "Near" bar on the top of the page, or by moving the map around. 

3.  Click on the link for any of the listed services or programs (which we call Opportunities) to open an opportunity page with more information about them. As seen below, You can also click the Info, Map, and Contact buttons on an opportunity card to view information on eligibility requirements, location, and how to contact an organization all without leaving the search page.

4. When you've found a service or program that you want to use, follow the "What To Do Next" section on their Opportunity page to contact them. Make sure to also click the Save (Heart) icon with the heart to add it to your plan so you can view this resource later. If you don't have a One Degree account, it'll ask you to create one - it'll only take a minute. 5. Once you've created your One Degree account,go to  "My Plan" to view any resources you saved, or were referred to you.

P.S. Check out the Learning Hub to see how to get the most out of using One Degree and the tools that we offer. You can find training videos, FAQs and other great resources!

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