How does One Degree compare to 211? is a desktop and mobile website that helps low-income and at-risk individuals - and the people who support them - find and access a range of resources to address specific needs. One Degree "members" (registered users - free of charge) are able to track the resources that are most useful to them and their status in using those resources. We also provide email and text message support to people using our website. Our resources also feature ratings and reviews, as well as sharing and referral tools. 

The 2-1-1 phone system is operated by different entities in different regions across the United States. 2-1-1 services vary by region, but generally consist of a call center with people available to answer general questions over the phone about where to go for different types of resources.

P.S. Check out the Learning Hub to see how to get the most out of using One Degree and the tools that we offer. You can find training videos, FAQs and other great resources!

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