What are Supporters and how do I add them to My Plan?

Supporters are people who can give you referrals or help you access resources. You can also choose to let them see your “My Plan” progress.  

Here’s how to add supporters to your “My Plan”: 

  1. Log in to your One Degree account. 
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of your Dashboard to the “Connect with your Supporters” section. In the text box, enter the email address of the person you would like to invite, and click “Send Invitation”. They will receive an email invitation to become your Supporter on One Degree. 

    How to change what progress a Supporter is able to see:

    1. Click on “My account” in the top right corner of your screen, and then select “Settings”. 
    2. Click on the “Supporters” tab on the far right, find the name of the Supporter, and click on “Change” to adjust what your Supporter is able to see. 

  3. In the pop-up window, select the option for the level of access you would like your Supporter to have. You may allow a supporter to only see status updates to opportunities they have recommended, all opportunities and status updates on your “My Plan” that are referred by them or others, or nothing at all. Once you have chosen an option, click “Save”.

P.S. Check out the Learning Hub to see how to get the most out of using One Degree and the tools that we offer. You can find training videos, FAQs and other great resources!

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